Social and Emotional Development with SFCC!

Social and Emotional Development with SFCC!

“Picture this: one of our students is having a rough morning at home and now imagine this is their heart,” our Director of Programs Dori Buschke explains as she has everyone in room hold out pink paper hearts. She tells the room to fold their heart just a bit –...
Catching up with Charlie!

Catching up with Charlie!

In 2019, St. Francis Children’s Center shared the story of two year-old Charlie who had been diagnosed with Spina Bifida – a condition that affects the spine and can result in damage to the spinal cord and nerves. After learning his diagnosis, his parents, Jim...
Noah’s Story

Noah’s Story

Noah’s family was introduced to Milwaukee County’s Birth to Three (B-3) Program at St. Francis Children’s Center when his doctors and parents noticed that his speech was delayed and Noah was not verbally communicating. Soon after, Noah’s mom, Rachel, also began...
Trevell’s Story

Trevell’s Story

To the surprise of his parents, Trevell was diagnosed with autism when he was almost two years old. However, Tanisha and John took the news in stride as they quickly began searching for the resources they needed to help their child. They viewed his diagnosis as yet...
Support Families of Children with special needs!

Support Families of Children with special needs!

As we mark the one-year anniversary of the pandemic in our community, St. Francis Children’s Center is reaching out for your support. The American Psychological Association reports that closures and changes due to COVID-19 have been particularly difficult for families...

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