
St. Francis Children’s Center

We serve and educate children with special needs in inclusive environments, enabling them to reach their greatest potential.


Family Activity Center


Early Childhood Education


Child Long term Support


Birth to Three Program

Laura Witkov Headshot


What exactly is St. Francis Children’s Center?

We specialize in providing services, resources, and education to children with special needs and their families.

Our Mission

To make every child feel included in their surrounding environments.

Our History

Established 1968 by Sister Joanne Marie Kliebhan, then head of the Special Education Department at Cardinal Stritch University and Eli Tash, a Jewish businessman and the father of a son with special needs. In those days, the general feeling was that children with special needs should wait until they were “ready” to go to school. However, Sister Joanne Marie and Mr. Tash strongly believed that the earlier these children received services, the more opportunities there would be for them to achieve success. Their shared vision was to someday create a unique learning center that would stimulate the early development of children with special needs…a place where the philosophy and programs would reflect their belief that, “all children can learn if we can learn how to teach them.