St. Francis Children’s Center Welcomes a New Team Member

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St. Francis Children’s Center Welcomes a New Team Member

St. Francis Children’s Center’s Executive Director Laura Witkov and Director of Marketing & Development Cornelius Holt has added an integral part of any organization. New Database and Digital Content Coordinator Andrew DeBrocke has joined SFCC.

“Its’ great to have joined an organization with such an impactful mission. I hope to build on the current state of St. Francis Children’s Center’s brand and increase our presence in the community. Digitally my mission is to increase impressions, conversions, and retentions. I hope through working here I can make St. Francis Children’s Center a front runner of non-profits dedicated to improving the lives of our next generation”.

Andrew comes to us fresh out of Arizona State University where he majored in English Composition and Digital Audience Research. We have high hopes that he will be able to spread our message and secure supporters.